Hosting Successful Performance Reviews

Running an effective performance review with your employee is crucial for providing feedback, setting goals, and fostering professional growth. Here are some steps to help you conduct a successful performance review: Prepare in Advance: Gather all relevant information about the employee’s performance throughout the review period. Review their goals, projects, achievements, and areas for improvement. […]
Affordable Small Business Recruitment

For small businesses to grow, recruiting top talent is crucial. It is difficult for small businesses to scale up effectively without identifying and attracting top talent. Finding the right employee for a job can be challenging. That’s why many businesses turn to The Recruitment Alternative. We offer affordable fixed-priced solutions to small – medium sized […]
Changes to Superannuation in Australia

Did you know from 1st July 2023 there will be a change to Superannuation payments in Australia? Changes To Superannuation Eligible Employers who pay super to full-time and part-time employees (incl. casual employees), will need to increase super contributions for the financial year of 2023–2024, from 10.5% to 11% as of the 1st July. Employers […]