December 13, 2017

Merry Christmas! – December 2017

It’s that time of year again, already! I don’t know about you but I feel like Christmas has snuck up on us this year. Don’t be disheartened! Let’s embrace the holiday spirit, say Merry Christmas and put on our Santa hats ready to end December 2017 on a positive note. With only four weeks left of the year here are some tips from The Recruitment Alternative to get organised for a smooth transition into the New Year.

Spirit of Giving

With all the hustle and bustle have you let some of your client relationships slide? This is the perfect time of year to get into the Spirit of Giving and renew those valuable relationships you’ve work so hard to establish. Why not send a personalised Christmas card with a bottle of wine or some nice chocolates or a goodie basket? Reaffirm your working relationship and let your clients know you’re thinking of them.

Make a List and Check It Twice

Don’t just tie up all your loose ends and pack up your desk but plan for the New Year. Take advantage of this opportunity to evaluate where your company is at. Writing down your 2018 goals can help focus you when you return in the New Year. Can you explore new business avenues? Who can you see within your organisation that could learn a new skill? Take on a new task or be offered a new position? Where are your recruitment gaps? Take the time to plan out your recruitment a year ahead so that you’re not wasting time and can hit the ground running come January 2018.

A Christmas Carol

This is the perfect opportunity to sing your staff’s praises. Never underestimate the power of positive reinforcement! Rewarding good work will encourage happy staff. Staff who go above and beyond should have their efforts noticed and appreciated. Giving staff the impression that their contribution isn’t valued, will only produce unenthused clock watchers with little incentive or motivation to maintain high standards. Happy staff leads to the increased productivity and helps promote a good company culture.

Santa’s Helpers

Despite your best efforts you might not get through your workload before the holiday shutdown. If there’s too much to get through, call in some extra help. Bringing in some Christmas casuals or temps to help tie up those loose ends. It’s a simple solution to avoid extra stress! Contact an agency such as The Recruitment Alternative to handle this for you. The last thing you want to worry about is paying extra fees at the end of the year! We offer affordable recruitment solutions at a low-cost price point that makes sense. If you would like to find out more about our services contact us today on 1300 548 546.

Once you’re all organised and your 2018 plan in place, remember to enjoy some well deserved time off. Eat that extra bit of turkey with cranberry sauce, build a snow man out of sand at the beach, recharge your batteries and return to work fresh and ready for new ventures!

Merry Christmas to all from our friendly team at The Recruitment Alternative!

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