January 5, 2015

New Year – New Job!

New Year New JobWhen the clock hits midnight on New Year’s Eve it is normally the time for contemplating changes that you want to make in the year ahead and making your career more successful is perhaps on this list. For candidates looking to enhance their career prospects in 2015, the preparation for a career change normally starts long before the festive season is underway.

Time is ticking

Finding and securing your next job can take some time. Think about the process involved in finding a new job…

  1. Updating your CV
  2. Registering with a recruitment agency
  3. Talking to your recruitment consultant
  4. Online and offline job search and networking
  5. Applying for jobs and waiting for responses
  6. The interview process (including second and third interviews and maybe assessment centres)
  7. Your notice period

Each of these stages takes at minimum of a couple of days; many (like the interview process and your notice period) could take a minimum of a month each. So, if you’re looking for a new job, you have to get the ball rolling.

Against the clock

A lot of employers want to get their teams set up in time for a new start in January, so a trend we are noticing amongst our clients is to complete their recruitment processes in time for the end-of-year break as for them, headcount has been signed off, and strategy and plans for next year are in place. Having said this, some companies will choose to wait until January to begin their recruitment as people contemplate change over Christmas and the New Year – so there can be a lot of new roles as the New Year starts. Make sure you’re ready if the right opportunity pops up.

If you’re aiming to progress your career start working on your resume and speak to a Recruitment Consultant about kicking off your job search.

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