December 2, 2019

Recruitment New Year’s Resolutions

Have you thought about what type of recruitment new year’s resolutions you’ll make you’re your business? As things are winding down now is the perfect time to put a plan in place, instead of waiting till you come back after a well-deserved break. It will mean one more thing off your to-do list!

Here are some resolution suggestions from The Recruitment Alternative to help you kick start your planning process:

  1. Don’t make resolutions you can’t control – Set a plan

Planning is key! Set a plan in action for future recruitment drives. Have job descriptions ready for key roles and keep your mind on growth and future possibilities. Make an effort to talk to other staff about what’s missing in the workplace. What areas can they see need improvement? Who needs support or opportunities to grow?

  1. Encourage professional growth

Just because it’s a new year and you’re looking to make some positive changes, presumably your everyday responsibilities won’t change. Your staff still have the same commitments they had last year – to their partners, kids, employer, and friends. Therefore, keep these commitments in mind when making professional development action plans, and try to keep them realistic. Instead of vowing to get a degree or a certification, start by offering a short course, professional development seminars, networking opportunities, etc. Each small step will move your employees closer toward their goals.

  1. Set a realistic timeframe

A common reason that new year’s resolutions fail is the lack of an appropriate timeframe. Not setting a target date invites procrastination, and while there may be several months left in the year, an “I’ll get to it when I have time” attitude can easily lead to unmet goals and feelings of failure. Likewise, setting a target date that’s too soon can lead to similar frustration. Choose a date that’s realistic for completing your resolution, and that will allow you to balance the extra work with your daily schedule. Once it’s set, hold yourself accountable. Ensure you’re taking the necessary steps on a regular basis to achieve your goal on the chosen date.

  1. Review Workplace Policies

Sometimes workplace policies and procedures need improving or adjusting, this could be due to any number of factors depending on the industry. To keep up with your competitors and to streamline your company processes a review at the end of the years is always beneficial. Especially if you’re going to be on-boarding new staff members. Best make changes now or have a plan in place instead of confusing new staff.

  1. Improve Work/Life Balance

Candidate market feedback tells us that all work/life balance is one of the top priorities. It can often be the deciding factor when a candidate is accepting a new position. Finding ways to improve your business work/life balance and putting some strategies in place will help you to stand out from the competition and improve productivity.

The experienced consultants at The Recruitment Alternative can help shape and staff your company. As a generalist recruitment company, we can fill roles from the trades and services through to corporate management.

Let The Recruitment Alternative help shape your future in 2020. Contact us today to find out more about how we can help you save on your next recruitment campaign.

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