August 4, 2018

Return to work tips for mums

Are you a mum thinking about returning to work after years as a full time mum? You may be feeling anxious, overwhelmed and confused about where to start. You may be thinking; how am I going to find a job? Will I need to go and complete further training? Will I find a job that offers flexibility around family?

Here are some tips from The Recruitment Alternative to help you navigate this transition:

Leverage off your network 

Speak to family, friends, former colleagues and employers and let them know you are looking for work. You just never know what might present itself and they can also keep an eye out for any opportunities for you. Also speak with other mothers you know who have returned to work and ask for their advice.

Update your CV

Ensure your CV is up to date and any gaps in employment are addressed, including the years you spent as a full time mum. You may want to consider an introduction paragraph to your CV titled Career Profile or Employment Profile. This is where you highlight your key strengths, skills and experiences. If you are applying for jobs across a number of different industries, you might want to consider having more than one CV and tailor your career profile to suit the industry.

Transferable skills

Take some time to think about all of the skills that motherhood has afforded you. Be sure to highlight these in your CV and you can also mention them during a job interview. Skills such as self-discipline, multitasking, sound decisions making and communication skills. Think about how these skills can add value to an employer and how they are relevant to the role you are applying for.

Seek support

There are a number of free resources available online to assist you in writing a CV and cover letter as well as help you prepare for a job interview. The Recruitment Alternative have a dedicated Job Seeker Resource Centre on our website which if full of valuable information. You can access it via this link:

Whether you are thinking of going back to work full time, part time, or even one day a week, do your research, be prepared and connect with people and organisations both online and in person. Speak to Recruitment Consultants and start to build relationships with them. If you are on Facebook, you can connect with us there via this link:

Here we share the latest job offerings, industry tips and articles.

Good Luck!

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