March 3, 2022

Starting A New Career From Scratch

You may have thought about a fresh start in your career but may not know where to begin. Starting over can feel daunting and can be a big step. Research completed by Seek shows that more than 1 in 3 people switch industries at some point in their lives. With 93% of them being happy that made that decision. What motivates people change career?

Why do people change careers?

There are many reasons why people choose to change careers and start from scratch. Some reasons could be:

  • To obtain a better work/life balance
  • High salary and or benefits
  • Further challenging themselves
  • No longer interested in the field they are in
  • To try something new
  • To feel more fulfilled in their employment
  • And more!

How to start from scratch?

  1. Research roles and the industry you would like to go into to find out more about what is really required. You may have an idea of something and think it’s what you want, then get started and realise it is something totally different. Research is key! Speaking with others in the field is also a great way to find out what it is really like. This can lead to networking which will benefit you when you’re ready to make the change.
  2. Look into furthering your education. When thinking about starting a new career you may need to consider completing a long or short course in order to become qualified and gain employment.
  3. If you’re not sure what career you want to move into but know you need a change, try a self-assessment as your first step. What are my strengths? If money was no object, what would I do? What gets me out of bed in the morning? What makes me happy and feel fulfilled? Who do I want to work with? There are some online personality and or career quizzes you can take too for some inspiration.
  4. Consider saving some money first. Sometimes with a career change, you may have to start from the bottom and work your way up. This could mean a change in income. You should try and set some savings aside for a financial buffer.
  5. Create a plan! Once you have decided what you want to do, write an action plan so that you can follow through on your goals.

Be Prepared

It’s important to be prepared for challenges to come along. Including self-sabotage! You may talk yourself out of your dream job due to fear of failure or because you feel like you’re not ready yet. You may be more ready than you think. Review your current skills and check how they may be transferrable to a new career. You can start by refreshing your resume and cover letter in order to highlight these skills.

For more tips and career advice head to our ‘job seeker help centre’. Also to view all our current job listings, check out our ‘jobs board’. The Recruitment Alternative operates Australia and New Zealand wide. Across Perth, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, etc. If you would like to find out more about our services, contact us today on 1300 548 546.

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