Our 2-Pronged Recruitment Approach: Proactive and Reactive

At RECRA, we employ a 2-pronged approach to our recruitment process: proactive and reactive. This ensures that we can effectively meet our clients’ staffing needs with precision and efficiency. Let’s delve into what each approach entails and how they can benefit your business. Proactive Recruitment Proactive recruitment is about foreseeing hiring requirements and consistently developing a […]
Labour Market Trends

The labour market in 2022 was one of the tightest seen in decades. There is evidence that shortages are easing in some industries since the borders remain open and with skilled migration quotas increasing in Australia. However, what can we expect to see from the labour market in 2023? Occupations in Demand A report published by […]
Interview Tips for Employers

Feeling unsure of what to ask when interviewing candidates? Being able to maximise your time and keep within an affordable budget is vital for any small to medium size business when it comes to recruitment. Here are some interview tips from The Recruitment Alternative – Australia’s affordable recruitment agency: Prepare Questions Prior to the Interview […]
Hybrid Work Environment

After the impact of Covid-19 and having to adapt working conditions to cater operating from home, a hybrid work environment seems to be the way of the future. Meaning that employers are offering a combination of in-office and work from home days as part of the standard working week. This level of workplace flexibility is […]
Job Search Trends For The New Year 2022

As of late the job market has felt less than normal. As we progress into 2022, the career landscape is predicted to be tricky to navigate for both job seekers and employers. Here are some job search trends to be aware of for the New Year in 2022. Some Industries Will Thrive, While Others Will […]
How Small Businesses Find BIG Talent

Large businesses often offer candidates the big brand name, several bonuses and benefits aligning with a large pay package. So, how can small businesses compete with the top guns and recruit the best possible talent? Fortunately, it is quite easy because there are many candidates looking to work in smaller companies. For example, smaller businesses […]
3 tips on hiring staff in a hurry!

As an employer there may come a time when you are in need of hiring staff in a hurry! Whether it’s due to company growth, restructure or an unexpected resignation, it can be stressful and overwhelming. Here are some handy tips from The Recruitment Alternative to assist you when hiring staff: Get clear: Getting clear […]
Staff Retention: Important Tips From Australia’s Affordable Recruitment Agency

Employee engagement and retention should be a priority for all employers. With an ever changing job market, staff retention has never been more important. Don’t lose your best talent to competitors. Here are some tips from The Recruitment Alternative on how to retain your staff. Consistency & Clarity You need to make sure your employees […]
Recruitment Tips for SMEs – Recognising your employees

Recruitment Tips for SMEs – Recognising your employees Recruitment tips: Here are some recruitment tips on Staff Recognition. Having great employees is the best resource any organisation can have. Organisations must pay closer attention to how they recognise and value their staff and talents. How? Recruitment and retention of top employees who remain invested in […]
How to Hold on to Good Staff

(so you’re not recruiting all the time) We all know that one of the keys to success in business is having good staff. It’s no exaggeration to say that the difference between success and failure in many businesses is staff. Good staff not only make your life easier but they help you take your business […]