July 5, 2018

3 tips on hiring staff in a hurry!

As an employer there may come a time when you are in need of hiring staff in a hurry! Whether it’s due to company growth, restructure or an unexpected resignation, it can be stressful and overwhelming.  Here are some handy tips from The Recruitment Alternative to assist you when hiring staff:

Get clear:

Getting clear on your business needs as well as what you are seeking in a new employee is key. Take some time to think about and answer the following questions:

  • What does the business truly need?
  • How does this position fit in to the smaller team and wider organisation?
  • How will this role support the business moving forward?
  • What are the key skills and experience required for the position?
  • What is our company culture and what type of person will fit into this culture?

Once you are clear and your needs are clearly defined, formalise this in writing via a detailed Position Description.

Get organised:

  • Have your calendar ready with days and times scheduled in for candidate interviews.
  • Know your recruitment process. How many interviews will prospective candidates have? Will they be required to do any additional testing? Plan ahead and ensure you have your interview questions and interview guides prepared. Having a clearly defined recruitment process will alleviate some pressure and you can also confidently communicate this to the candidates.
  • If you are interested in making an employment offer, don’t delay! In this candidate short market, candidates have no shortage of jobs to choose from and are quickly being snapped up!

Get assistance:

Whether you are short on time, it’s your first time recruiting or you just find the process overwhelming, seek support and assistance from and experienced Recruitment Agency like The Recruitment Alternative. We will take the stress away from you so that you can focus on business at hand.

At The Recruitment Alternative, we recruit across a wide range of industry sectors. Wherever you are in Australia or New Zealand, we have you covered. Our experienced consultants recruit for roles in the areas of Customer Service, Digital Marketing, I.T, Retail and much more. Call us on 1300 548 546 to find out how we can assist you with your recruitment needs!

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