May 29, 2017

Hire for attitude not skillset! Part one

Hire for attitude and go to The Recruitment Alternative affordable recruitment services. We have experienced consultants ready to take away the risk of a bad hire.

When you make the wrong hire, there’s always this realisation that the problem is attitude.Sourcing Administration Staff

It might surface a week or a month in, but eventually, there it is, staring you in the face. Your new recruit has a bad attitude.

On paper, they have all the skills. But they’re lazy, uncooperative, and bored. And at the end of the week, they’ve achieved nothing of value.

There’s no way to make sure you get it 100 % right in a recruitment situation. But if you consider attitude as the single most important quality, you’re well on your way.


Hire for attitude not skillset – Skills can be improved – but only with the right outlook.

A bad attitude is a massive drain on organisational funds, time, and energy. Affordable recruitment solutions are only a phone call away from The Recruitment Alternative.

A skills test can give you hard data about what someone can do, and once they’ve passed this step, the next and much harder challenge is to see if they are a cultural fit for the company you’re recruiting for.

There are thousands of creative ways to skills test in-house, and you can do it for every role. Try to have questions relevant to the role ready for the interview.

An example of skills based questions

  • Accounts – Tell us about how you have reconciled to ledger in your past roles. Do you have experience in both payable and receivable and what was the size of your payable processing?
  • Sales – What were your target KPI’s and how did you achieve them? What initiatives did you bring to your role that showed thinking outside the box to capture new accounts?
  • Think about the role and how you can ask questions to determine how the candidate has worked in the role.

The Recruitment Alternative Consultants will work with you to get the best candidates in front of you. If you require more support check out our Employers page on our web page.

Contact the team at The Recruitment Alternative today for all your recruitment needs.

Call us today : 1300 548 546

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