July 31, 2022

Mistakes That Put Candidates Off

Attracting top talent is always the priority for any SME. However, there are some common mistakes that employers make that can put candidates off. During such a tight candidate market, it’s even more important to be mindful of these errors to avoid losing talent to the competition. Here are some tips from The Recruitment Alternative – Australia’s affordable recruitment agency:

A Lengthy Recruitment Process

One of the most off-putting things to candidates are the length of recruitment processes that drag out over several weeks. Especially with more than 2 interviews (excluding recruitment agency pre-screen). If you have a lengthy and tedious recruitment process, it might be time to make some changes. Chances are, you will miss out on candidates to someone else who moves more quickly and efficiently.

Harsh Interview Style

If a candidate feels they are more being interrogated than interviewed, you will miss out on the opportunity to find out what they are really like, as they will cage up. In addition to this, you will put them off your business and potentially create a bad reputation. Whilst you have questions you need to go through and potentially a tight schedule to stick to, it is important you set a positive tone in your interviews. Candidates will feel more comfortable being themselves. As such, you will get a better read on them and if they would be suitable for the role or not.

Lack of Communication

If you fail to maintain communication with the candidates during the hiring process, they won’t stick around for long. It is important to maintain regular communication. So candidates are not kept in the dark. This goes for when you are working with a Recruitment Agency as well. Be sure to get back to them so they can keep the candidate warm for you to avoid losing them to the competition.

Are you an SME looking to recruit top talent at an affordable price? Contact The Recruitment Alternative today on 1300 548 546 or via our contact us page. We will be able to work with you to achieve your recruitment needs.

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