February 27, 2023

Screening Candidate Resumes

Whether you are screening a candidate resume who has directly applied to your business or from a Recruitment Agency, it’s essential to know what to look for. Especially but not precluded to high volume roles. Here are some tips from The Recruitment Alternative – Australia and New Zealand’s affordable recruitment agency:

Career History

This is generally one of the first things to be reviewed. While screening, you should evaluate the positions and the industry the candidate has worked in. Keeping in mind that in some industries (especially in niche fields), are hard to get an exact match. Be sure to look for similarities and transferrable experiences. Other things to screen for and potentially raise in an interview (where applicable) are:

  • How long the candidate has worked in the industry?
  • Have they mentioned any major achievements?
  • Any gaps in their career history?
  • Is there a lack of information?
  • Is the resume too long?
  • Any exaggerated titles or responsibilities?


Depending on the role, candidates may not always have previous work experience or extensive experience. So, it is vital to review their education and training levels. This could include certifications, University degrees, short courses, TAFE qualifications, etc. People can change career paths along the way, which could also be different from what they are qualified in. This shouldn’t necessarily discount them during the screening process and is role dependent.

Skills and Accomplishments

There are particular roles, such as within the tech industry or medical field, which require a close match of skills and accomplishments. Some skills can be transferrable or trained, which is something to keep in mind while reviewing resumes. Keep an eye out for relevant keywords that tie back to the requirements for the role.

Culture Fit / Values  

This can be difficult to screen for in a resume and is best assessed through an interview. However, you can gain some clues by assessing the following:

  • Their personal interests (if listed)
  • The type of businesses they have worked for
  • Their LinkedIn profiles
  • If there is a cover letter – review for tone and context
  • If they have worked with diverse teams
  • Any volunteering work listed or aligned causes

We understand that, as a small business owner, you may not have the time to screen candidate resumes. If you are looking to recruit top talent at an affordable price, contact The Recruitment Alternative today at 1300 548 546 or via our contact us page. We will be able to work with you to achieve your recruitment goals while not only saving you time but also money!

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